Anger/Frustration ๐Ÿ˜ก

First off, let me just say that it's perfectly OK to get angry. It's a natural emotion that us human beings have been feeling ever since the beginning of time.

Aggressive behaviour on the other hand is not ok. Depending on the situation, there are many different types of ways people handle their anger/frustration. Some might start attacking others around them, or breaking stuff. And some will just hold their head and cry, hating themselves for what they've done, or what others might've done.

We all have different responses to anger, and those who can't handle it very well are often seen as 'bad people' even though that may not always be the case.

So what can you do to help prevent yourself from going overboard?

Well, I believe that accepting the situation is a good way to control your anger, even if something terrible happened. Try to be calm and think of a solution, rather than the problem.

Just to be clear, it is sometimes ok to let out your anger, even at others. But please keep it to a minimum, as it will ultimately make you feel more good about yourself for not going over the top!

Please remember to look after yourself too, anger can cause headaches and other pains, so please try to remain calm as that is what your body wants for you. And look after others too, even if you DESPISE them. Find the RIGHT solutions to your problems!